As I was returning from a session with a client this morning, I was listening to the CD version of a book by Byron Katie called "A Thousand Names for Joy". In the book, a respected interpreter of the Tao Te Ching (an ancient Chinese spiritual manuscript written by Lao Tzu [old master]) selected particular excerpts and the author comments on them. Her comments are framed with everyday universal practical application in mind.
At one point, when I was trying with little success to merge into the next lane and feeling my blood pressure start to rise, she said this:
"Comparing what is with what you think should be is warring with God."
Her point is that much, if not all of our misery comes from fighting what is obviously the case - denying reality.
What? You don't do that? Nope - me neither. Almost never. Well, come to think of it...
My life has been, of late, a bit of a struggle in some very important areas. But it is what it is. I'm finding my way, and most importantly, it is finally feeling right, as it should be. And any changes I might make will come about organically, with clarity and certainty. I'm just now feeling confident about that, although my external circumstances have changed very little.
But that realization is no small thing, believe me.
Have you accepted where you are? Do you know that it's exactly where you need to be - until it's time to move, either forward or in another direction?
You'll know when it's time. But make sure you know where you are now, and accept it. It's just ending a war that can't be won.
And wouldn't you rather have peace?
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