Hi, Jennifer Witt here, a.k.a. Jen_absgirl, creator of Jennifer’s Fitness. I’m excited to be sharing a little bit about myself with all the readers of ABSOLUTE BOXING FITNESS!
My fitness career started relatively recently: I got into cardio in summer 2007. Cardio was a way for me to spend time at the gym with my then-boyfriend. Ironically, I can credit a horrible experience a few months later for leading me to my passion: my boyfriend of 1.5 years dumped me quite suddenly and cruelly. When I realized he would give no explanation and that I myself couldn't make any sense of it, I turned to weights in hopes of relieving my frustration.
Talk about closing a door and opening a window! I lost one love and found another that made me feel powerful instead of weak: my life has changed so much since I discovered weight-lifting. Not only did weight-lifting help me get over my painful life experience, but it makes me feel better in all ways: it increases my energy, it makes me stronger, and it relieves stress and regulates my moods.
Weight-lifting has also opened up my world to new experiences I would never have tried before, such as rock-climbing and archery. I am a rock-climbing enthusiast now; I even bought my own gear!
I want to show other people how empowering fitness can be. I think that sometimes, when life deals you a bad card, the easiest thing to do is to let yourself go and just feel sorry for yourself. I’m not saying I didn’t shed some tears and eat some chocolate. You don’t always have power over what happens in your life, but the power that you DO have is what you do about it. The more chocolate you eat, the more you have to burn off in the gym—or at the very least, the more money you’ll have to spend on a new, more accommodating wardrobe, if you get my drift. You can spend your time agonizing over why something has happened to you, or you can take out your frustration on the Abdominal Crunch, cross-ramp, barbells—whatever works best for you.
I get a lot of inspiration for exercises from fitness magazines as well as friends at the gym and on www.bodybuilding.com. Above all, I listen to my body—and that goes for both inside and outside of the gym. When I’m at the gym, even if I schedule myself to work on a muscle group that day, if that group is sore or is just not responding well to the exercise, I’ll work on something else. Your body will tell you if you need to take a break on something—the last thing you want to do is injure yourself and set yourself back on training for weeks or months.
When I’m outside of the gym, I continue to listen to my body, because—as one of my favorite mottoes goes— “Being fit starts in the kitchen!”. The quality you can expect out of your body depends on the quality of what you put into it. Of course most fitness aficionados strive to get adequate protein intake, but proper nutrition is so much more than that. I have several Youtube videos with tips on both fitness and nutrition; you can view them here: http://www.youtube.com/pixiedust3727 . One of my near-future goals is to achieve personal trainer certification so that I can train people individually with personalized diet and exercise plans and maybe also lead fitness classes of my own.
I also hope to expand my career as a fitness model. I already have had several professional photo shoots, and it is something I absolutely love to do. I have worked with Dan Ray, Doug Smith, GeneX, and Chris Zimmerman (the latter of whom is from Muscular Development and features me on the website). I have had a fabulous experience with all of these photographers, and hope to work more with them as well as with other photographers, too!
Additionally, I am planning to write a book about my experiences and fitness and lifestyle tips for men and women alike. I have so much information up on my website (www.Jennifersfitness.com ), my Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/pixiedust3727 , and my Bodyspace account http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Jen_absgirl , and I would really like to streamline all of that into a book for a wider audience.
My parting advice is this: take any bad experience and turn it into something positive. Don’t ignore your emotions, but don’t let the bad experience ruin your life—treat it as a jumping-off point for a new chapter in your life—a starting block to the new, improved you. I hope my videos, blogs, etc. can serve as inspiration for people to improve themselves, just as I continue to improve myself.
Feel free to contact me at:
Please visit:
My website: www.Jennifersfitness.com
My Myspace: www.myspace.com/pixiedust3727
My Bodyspace: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Jen_absgirl
My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/pixiedust3727
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/jenniferwitt
Or e-mail me at: pixiedust727@yahoo.com
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