When I asked him if I could use his e-mail here, he said he just wanted to make one clarification: the sentence should have read "sweat like ditch diggers in Arkansas in August." (You're welcome Tourism Board of Arkansas!) Clearly the man has seen me sweat.Good Morning Charlotte,I was just noticing some of the ladies on my office and thought you would be the one to answer my question - Do real women, the kind that work out and sweat like ditch diggers, have time for or even care about primping? Is just a good scrubbing enough or do they have time to get all girly about things like manicures, painting little things on their nails, facials and all that other stuff?That just reminded me of a girl I dated a long time ago (a really long time ago) that had a small mole on the side of her nose and every once in a while she would decorate it to look like a big spider.
I've warned you before that I am not at all pretty in the gym. In addition to sweating so profusely that the Gym Buddies and I had to make up words to describe the stains (swoobs, swack, etc.), I also don't both with hair or makeup. If I'm already wearing makeup for the day I won't bother washing it off before I exercise but as the majority of my workouts are first thing in the morning, I generally show up barefaced and ponytailed.
Most of my gym friends know me no other way. I remember at a TurboKick social gathering (oh yes, we do those!) a friend commenting, "What a difference hair and makeup makes!" I don't think he recognized me. But here's the thing: I love dressing up. Adore it. 6-inch stilettos, jewelry, dresses, flowers in my hair, a full face of slap - the whole shebang. I don't know if it's my background in theater (my sister's theory) or just a serious girly girl deficiency from living with 4 boys but I have a vintage dress collection that has overtaken two closets.
The Gym Buddies also seem to like their primping. When Gym Buddy Sunny moved away (sob!), all her gym friends - ditch digger sweaters every last one! - celebrated by going to a spa together. Massages, manis, pedis and yes, even facials were had by all. This doesn't only apply to girls in the gym either. I have a very good male bootcamp buddy who simply cannot run if his shirt doesn't match his shorts, socks and shoes. He even coordinates his sunglasses when we run outside.
So to answer your question Dennis, this gym rat likes to have it both ways! I'll sweat my heart out at the gym (and even run three errands afterward without showering) but give me an occasion to put on a swingy skirt and some peep-toe heels and I can't resist. I don't do it every day - preschoolers could care less what you wear as long as it has a soft shoulder to wipe their nose on - but I do love to dress up. Although I draw the line at crazy fingernails. I'm not good with maintaining a French mani, not to mention long fingernails accidentally scratch little faces and break off on the weight floor.
Now for all of you out there, let me know where you fall on the girly girl - tomboy spectrum! Do you put in your hairpiece and apply a coat of red lipstick before step class? Or do you own 15 pairs of track shorts and look ready to drop your purse and run a 5K even at your annual church dinner?
I've created a little poll to help you out:
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