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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wear Underwear: This PSA Brought to You Courtesy of Charlotte

This proprietor is obviously the victim of some seriously bad advice.

Being the sort of person who has to learn things the hard way - as demonstrated by the time I lit the lab on fire because I wasn't listening to the directions. That I gave. Because I was the teacher - I have had ample opportunities in my life to be on the receiving end of lots of good advice. So when Deb - lovely, smart but deluded woman that she is - asked me for the three best pieces I'd ever gotten it was hard to narrow them down. Probably the most encompassing one was "Don't be dumb (dude)" but seeing as I can't seem to go a day without breaking that one, it might be hypocritical of me to pass it on to you!

To hear my top three pieces of advice that I did not come up with but wish I had, check out my guest post over at Deb's Smoothie Girl Eats Too!

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