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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sugar Bombed: The Cheat Day Debunked

Hot on the heels of the American Heart Association's recommendation that all Americans drastically reduce their sugar intake - women are now recommended to limit added sugars to 6 teaspoons a day (for comparison, one serving of soda has 8 teaspoons) - comes more bad news about junk food. Scientists have discovered that not only can bad eating derail you in the moment but it also sets up a chemical chain reaction in your brain that blocks the hormones that signal satiety for up to three days, giving new meaning to a "weekend bender."

Dr. Clegg, the lead researcher says, "What we've shown in this study is that someone's entire brain chemistry can change in a very short period of time. Our findings suggest that when you eat something high in fat, your brain gets 'hit' with the fatty acids, and you become resistant to insulin and leptin." She adds, "Since you're not being told by the brain to stop eating, you overeat."

While I find this news depressing, I am actually relieved that someone scientific (and by scientific I mean not just wearing a lab coat in a Hydroxy ad) found this connection because this is the number one reason why I have always had an uneasy relationship with the "cheat day" concept. A core principle in many diets, you are advised to eat perfectly clean 6 days a week and then go hog wild on the 7th. It has never worked for me. The problem is getting back on the wagon after a day of deli-fueled debauchery. I'd always end up the next day huddled over the tub of ice cream swearing I was only going to "finish up this last tub." Either that or I'd go back to clean eating but jones for sweets for days afterward.

According to this research, I'm not the willpower-less freak I'd always assumed I was! After spending six days clearing the crap out of my system I was basically undoing all my hard work by throwing my hormone levels out of whack for three days. I had a sugar hangover. By the time I finally felt good again, it was time to start the cycle all over!

So what's a healthy living girl to do? I am not one of those people that can just say, "I will never eat sugar, flour or processed foods ever again for the rest of my life." Therein lies the way to bingeville and angry self-recriminations. And yet the cheat day doesn't work. So what does?

I'm still trying to figure that out for myself - I'm really good at finding what doesn't work for me, not so good at the reverse - but I have noticed a few things about myself:

1. I need something sweet every day.
2. I can usually limit myself to one sweet.
3. If I eat it earlier in the day, it doesn't seem to affect me as much.

Knowing that about myself, I eat dessert after lunch. Every day. Most often it's some dark chocolate. Sometimes dunked in peanut butter. Or it will be ice cream. Or Extreme Sour Patch Kids (thanks Anna!). But whatever it is I enjoy it and don't feel bad about it. But I also know my limits and eating anything sugary at night is likely to send me on the 3-day round trip to the Isle of Insulin Hell. Which isn't to say I never go there, I'm just not buying lakefront property is all. It's a fragile peace but so far it's working.

Have you made your peace with sugar? Does the "cheat day" method work for you? Here's how some (seriously funny) kids deal with the temptation (click through to see the video):

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

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