Toilet sore - the kind of sore where you have to lower yourself with both hands onto the toilet and then fall the last few inches because your quads are in so much pain - is actually a much coveted condition among the Gym Buddies and I. Mostly because we like to yell "I'm toilet sore" across a crowded gym but also because we like having worked so hard that we are that sore. It is a debate for another day as to whether you should seek muscle soreness as a workout goal but for today I will tell you my favorite way to get Toilet Sore.
Behold, the Pistol Squat: (Click through to site to see video)
(My capris provided by Marika's new Miracles shapers line - these babies boosted my butt and wrangled my mummy tummy!)
My three favorite things about this video:
1. We START with the blooper reel
2. For some inexplicable reason we turn the camera sideways for one scene (and I don't know how to rotate it back).
3. Gym Buddy Krista SNORTING while she laughs filming us.
3.5. That I don't know the difference between surfing and water skiing.
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