If you had 50$ to buy yourself any piece of fitness gear you want, what would it be? Boxing gloves? Kettlebell? A racquetball racket? Trail shoes? Snorkel? Down payment on a heart rate monitor (those suckers are pricey!)? That's because you all are not vain. Me: I want a pair of skapris. Skort-apris. Capriskas? Whatever. I want a workout skirt with attached capri pants. Like these from See Jane Run:

Or this little Nike number:

I have a thing for workout skirts. I'd blame my ultra girliness on having 3 sons but you can ask my mom, I've been this way ever since I could dress myself. My kindergarten year was immortalized as the year I refused to wear anything but dresses even in -30 weather. Even when I was a sad-eyed goth (I woulda been Emo except it hadn't been invented yet) it was still all skirts all the time except that they were all black. You should see my dress closet now. What, not everyone has a dress closet? (Side note: someone please invite me somewhere I can wear one of my dresses to, stat!)
I know I should say that I want some super geeked out gadget (I DO desperately want a fitbit) but really what I want are new clothes. Don't worry, I'm appropriately ashamed of my frivolity. It doesn't matter though because I can't win the $50 gift card from Dick's Sporting Goods. But YOU can! And at the same time you can help me by voting me onto Dick's Sporting Goods Starting Lineup - a panel of fitness folk who get to try out new fitness stuff- by tweeting my Twitter username @CharlotteGFE to @Dickssportcmo! To enter the contest and get all the details, click through to my giveaway page.
Anyone else have a thing for workout skirts or just dresses in general? Feel free to post a link to your fave in the comments!
PS> I didn't realize until after I'd published this post what Blogger had truncated the URL down to. It's kinda hilarious, really. (Dear Mom & Dad, please don't read your address bar, thanks.)
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