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Monday, November 16, 2009

Home Fitness Equipmement - Where to Spend, Where to Save [Help a Reader Out!]

It's no secret that there is no love lost between cardio equipment and I which is why when Reader Laura asked me what she should look for when purchasing an elliptical machine, I was stumped. Social creature that I am, I much prefer to work out at the gym (bonus: they have childcare!) and when I do have to workout at home I usually concoct some kind of crazy circuit involving my Val-Slides, TRX, Kettlebell and whatever other equipment I keep tripping over. And yet, as I am so often reminded when I see people lining up Thanksgiving night for the Black Friday sales, many people are not like me. (Seriously, there is no amount of savings that could entice me to go shopping on Black Friday.) So I am starting a Help a Reader Out feature where I post a reader's question that I don't know the answer to and hope that via the collective wisdom of all of you, we can come up with a good solution. Combined we must have an IQ of like a million or something, right?

Here's Laura's quandry: Not being much of a "gym" person but still loving her cardio endorphins, she'd like the flexibility of working out in the comfort of her own home. She has decided that the elliptical machine is her torture device of choice but doesn't know where to start to buy one. Price is a primary factor but she does want a machine with enough quality to not end up as a glorified clothing rack in her basement. She's thinking second hand is a good idea but doesn't know what questions to ask. Craig's list? Second-hand store? Brand-new-but-cheap from Wal-Mart or Target? So many sweaty options.

Questions for you:
1. What piece of cardio equipment do you think is best for home workouts?
2. Do you recommend buying used or new?
3. Any particular brands that are the best? Any that she should run screaming away from?
4. What features are important to look for?
5. Where do you buy your equipment?
6. Ever buy fitness equipment from an infomercial? If so, what? (This last question has nothing to do with Laura. I'm just nosey like that.)

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