Thankfully since I was already so far dilated and effaced, I didn't need a medical induction (a.k.a. the dreaded pitocin) and just required a little push to get me on my way. So we snapped one last pic of the babe on the inside:
Next up were some vigorous side to side lunges. Between these and the hours of walking the halls, I definitely still got my workout in! I know I look like I'm in the stage production of Patch Adams here but things were actually getting ouchie by this point.
[THERE ARE NO PICTURES OF THIS NEXT PART!] After I started sobbing in the hallway, Beth banned more walking and I banned further picture taking. Sobbing quickly moved on to screaming and then total hysteria. I am not a calm woman in labor. We'll leave it at that.
After what felt like an hour of the most excruciating pain I've ever been in (although Doula Beth said it was closer to 10 minutes), I pushed once and Baby was here! First question: "Is she really a girl?!?"
I was one wiped mama but so very happy to finally be holding our long-awaited girl on the outside! They handed her to me, I apologized profusely to everyone in the room and... bliss:)

Welcome home, Baby!
Dear Readers, thanks so much for your support and encouragement during this pregnancy. You have no idea how much all your comments and e-mails helped! And many thanks to my mom and family and our many friends here for all the help here! Both baby and I are doing great and recovering at home now.
Much love,
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