Most woman join a gym for one reason- to lose weight. I’m going to let you in on a trade secret among fitness professionals - eating less plus exercising more equals losing weight. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, I'll explain why not learning how to box could cost you in the long run.
First let me ask you a question - is losing weight going to help you keep your job? Unless you're a horse jockey or a fashion model, the answer is probably no. Boxing is a learning process, and the ring is the class room. We don’t focus on what you lose, but what you gain. Losing ten pounds of fat will be short lived if it isn’t replaced by twenty pounds of confidence – the confidence that comes from being good, not just looking good. I tend to look at life as a boxing match, not a beauty contest. Both show a lot of skin, but only one shows a lot of heart. When times get tough, would you rather be wearing high heels or boxing shoes?
Boxing makes you tougher - mentally, physically and emotionally. walking on a treadmill may relieves stress, but boxing builds character too. Hitting a heavybag & some weights will get rid of the stress you have today and make it easier for you to handle tomorrow.
Thinking on your feet, dealing with pressure and staying focused are skills you don’t pick up on a treadmill, but in the ring you become a master of these skills. Try it you will soon see yourself in a different light.
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