A fighter is a metaphor. It’s a metaphor for anyone who doesn’t want to take life lying down and get counted out. It’s a metaphor for anyone who believes that having abs of steel doesn’t mean you have guts, and doing cardio doesn’t give you heart. Looking good may be important, but being good is critical. Taking step class is great, but when it looks like the world is crashing down, it might take some fancy footwork to avoid the pitfalls.
Training like a fighter not only gets you in great physical shape, but mental and emotional shape as well. When times get tough, having nerves of steel and the heart of a lion might help. Being razor sharp and ready for battle will see you through the rough times. Boxing helps you keep your cool while everyone else is going down in flames.
Although the first image of a "fighter" you might conjure up is a guy with a broken nose and cauliflower ears, I want to show you what our version of a fighter looks like. Stand in front of a mirror, pick up your hands and make a fist. That person looking back at you is a fighter.
We don’t make life easier, we just make you tougher.
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