Most people asking me for guidance on building abdominal muscles usually ask how to lose belly fat or get ripped abs. Although these things are great to strive for, there are also tremendous health benefits for having a strong ab section. Having a strong mid-section is beneficial for your back; especially your lower back. In This day in age, we spend most of our time sitting at a desk, sitting in a car, or sitting on the couch. Studies have shown that those with a bigger waistline are more prone to back problems. If steps aren’t taken now to strengthen your abdominals, by the time you are old and gray, it is going to be very difficult to accomplish even simple everyday things.
Having strong abs also reduces sport and other activity related injuries. During the course of playing a sport or exercising it is important that your abs be able to compensate for any sudden jerks, twists or turns. Strong abdominals will lessen your chance for injury considerably.
By strengthening your core and tightening your lower back, your posture will also improve. Having a healthy posture will also reduce back problems.
Finally, just the act of working your abdominal muscles will increase your body’s core strength and burn calories! You will also feel great afterwards.
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