A few days ago I was talking with a close friend and client, and also my singing partner (the one I was with in the car accident a few weeks ago I blogged about). Somehow we got on the subject of our favorite children's books and she mentioned a book she loved as a child but was currently out of print. I asked her if she had ever read the Velveteen Rabbit (she hadn't) and then recommended it to her since it's one of my favorites.
It crossed my mind again this morning, and made me think about something one of the characters in the story tried to convey to the title character. When real love, authentic, caring, unselfish love is extended to us, we thrive, we blossom, we radiate joy and a sense of intrinsic value. And then the things we do and how we live reflects that self-image. That includes taking care of our minds (challenging ourselves intellectually, always learning new things and broadening our perspectives), our bodies (eating healthfully, exercising regularly and resting adequately) and our souls (opening ourselves up, taking risks, reaching out with our true, best selves.)
That one who extends that love does not make us intrinsically valuable, they just recognize what we may be slow to acknowledge and celebrate. They are simply a clear and accurate mirror of our own true brilliance.
If we keep that thought in mind as we make our choices and live our days, it becomes clearer and more certain with each one that passes.
The Skin Horse gets it. Listen to his words of wisdom with your children (or, at least with the open heart of a child): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_m054tLKvs
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