Training schedule- 28 days until I return back to the USA. 3 days on. 1 off, 1 on, 1 off- start from day 1
Training duration- 45 min to 1 hr
Training location- Angola, Africa. Malongo gym ( western, coastal Africa )
Training goal- To improve every aspect of my fitness
Training weight- 165
Body fat percentage- 9%
Supplements- creatine, fast twitch, whey protein, fish oil, vit-c,
Food- four protein shakes per day, hard boiled eggs, tuna, chicken, fish
DAY ONE: Chest & biceps
Group 1* following warm up ( usually 5 min of skipping rope ) bench press going directly to seated alternate dumbbell curls. Four sets, max 30 seconds rest between sets.
Group 2* Incline barbell presses followed directly by standing barbell curls. Four sets, max 30 seconds rest between sets.
Group 3* Various angled incline push-ups, followed directly by chin-ups.Four sets, max 30 seconds rest between sets.
Total: 12 sets Followed by 15 min of intense skipping rope, 80% MHR ( my preferred method of cardio is heavy bag work and the rope ).
Note:I only train abs once a week, on day four the full body workout.
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