Often, we start an exercise and healthful eating program (or any difficult or scary endeavor - especially life-changing ones) with the best intentions, hoping that it will get easier as we move further into it. We have an intrinsic sense that it's the right thing for us, and so, once we begin, it should become easier and more natural.
Then it gets really hard.
Soon, our conviction begins to waver, we start to rationalize with ourselves that we may not really be that convinced what we're doing is worth the effort, time and discomfort, or maybe even that it's necessary at all.
That's when faith is most important.
Every false start in your life was an important message that you weren't ready yet. But if you know deep within yourself that you deserve to feel better, be stronger, more resilient and have a better quality of life, you'll keep trying, again and again. At some point you need to take a leap of faith. No significant growth comes without risk or discomfort. Changing your lifestyle dramatically can be very intimidating. You're challenging yourself to give up your identification with everything that no longer works for you, but is oh so familiar. And in that familiarity is a comfort.
But ask yourself if that comfort helps you to be true to yourself - your best self.
When you are ready to ask yourself that question, sincerely and with courage, you'll find that faith. It might be just a spark, but it will be enough.
The time for faith is when you need it the most. And only you can give that to yourself. There is no greater gift.
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