I'm pretty lazy when it comes to food preparation. No, actually I'm extremely lazy. That's hard to reconcile with eating 6-10 times a day. I do sometimes grab food from restaurants, fast food places (you can find healthy options if you know what to look for) and grocery stores. But that can get expensive, so most of my food I get from home.
How do you manage to have all that food handy, make sure you don't get sick of the same things over and over and still eat very clean (NUtrient~DEnse)?
The keys are that the food is some combination of:
1. Modular and versatile
2. Prepared in advance in large quantities
3. Keeps well for a relatively long time
A lot of the food below is easy to grab and walk or drive with, because I literally eat almost every time I do either. But some of it I just grab a few bites of and eat three minutes before my client arrives, or even during the session (have to practice what I preach, right?) Here are some of my many "staples":
Fresh fruit
Fresh vegetables (the small pre-cut varieties like snap peas, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, broccoli flowerettes)
V8 juice
Roasted soy nuts
Trail mix
Hard boiled eggs
Protein bars
Power Pancakes (recipe later this week!)
Cottage cheese
Low fat Greek yogurt
Whole grain cereal (granola, Grapenuts, Quaker Oat Squares, Cheerios)
Baked pita chips
Granola bars
If you noticed, you saw that all four of the basic food groups are pretty well represented here and in very lean, nutritious forms. But most importantly, they all pack and travel very well - a quality that is critical for my lifestyle, and may be for yours as well.
Add some (or all) of these to your grocery list and see how your options for healthful eating on the run open up!
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