And here I am feigning confidence. I was thinking about Miss Tyra telling all the America's Next Top Models (That No One Ever Hears From Again After the Show's Over Except on Cover Girl Commercials) how to "smize" (smile with your eyes). Seriously. That's what I was thinking about.

Until I got distracted remembering that one photo shoot where they made the girls pose with huge spiders and venemous snakes and cockroaches. One girl had the tarantula right up by her eye. Still gives me the heebie jeebies. Thankfully all I had to do was stand in ankle-deep water and get dozens of mosquito bites while waiting for random children to stop swimming in the (public) waterfalls and photobombing my cover.

Thank you so much to all of you for all of your help picking out my cover-shoot clothes! It meant so much to me to read all of your supportive and helpful comments (you guys were way right about those gray pants - eek!) As you can see, the shoot went really well. Michael and Sarah Novak of Inventive Media took really good care of me and I managed to not only get over my awkwardness long enough to get a few good snaps but also to have a lot of fun. I still have zero desire to be a professional fitness model (not that anyone's asking me to) - modeling is weird work - but I feel a lot better about being on the cover of my book.
The cover art is being finalized this week and the mock-up is really cute and funny! A little teaser: they didn't pick any of the pics above. But they did agree with you all that the pink jacket ones were the best and so it is one of those that made the final cut! I can't wait to show you guys the finished product!!
So, what is your opinion: Subway or Quiznos? What's the worst pose/prop you've seen a model have to do in a photo? (I always worry about all those high fashion photo shoots where they make the models jump in 8" platform stilettos. Surely someone's broken an ankle, right?) You're not tired of the Old Spice guy yet are you??
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