When FitJerk posted his "Jerkdominal Blast" on Twitter, I might have just smiled remembering that my abs are only 2 months post baby expelling and not exactly up to anything involving blasts - or jerks for that matter - except that he said the magic word. No, not "please." He said challenge. I cannot resist a challenge, a fault that has put me into more than one regrettable situation (cliff dancing anyone?). Thankfully many of you share the same flaw and quite a few of you jumped in too:
So this morning found two of my Gym Buddies - the long suffering Allison and Krista - and I ready to make our abs so sore we wouldn't dare find anything humorous for at least a week. After doing Lindsey's hour-long Killer Barf Circuits in just 45 minutes which is why we are so red-faced and smelly in the above pic (it's a scratch-n-sniff!), we got down to work.
Since FitJerk said these would make us weep, we snapped some pics to prove him wrong. And also, because who needs fitness models to properly demonstrate the moves when you have us to show you how to screw them up? Hence, The Gym Buddies present Total Ab Burnout in 6 (not) Easy Moves:
Next up, Allison doing the decline crunches with weight plate. 15-20 reps, 211 tempo. (Up 1 second, hold 1 second, lower 2 seconds.) Notice Allison's perfect form holding the plate behind her head, instead of on her chest? Also notice her adorable grin? Yeah, both the form and the smile went out the window after the first rep. These suckers were the worst of the bunch - agony!
Move 4 is the power wheel roll out, 20 reps tempo 312. If there was ever a piece of gym equipment designed for hilarity, it is the power wheel. Somewhere there is a stat counter for how many times people fall on their faces using this thing.
Move 5 is the oblique V-snap, 15-20 reps 211 tempo. Ignore my bad form. I'm too busy posing for the camera. (What - don't you all do that when you work out?!)
Last move: V-ups! 15-25 reps, 211 tempo. If there was one thing I learned in gymnastics, it is how evil the V-up is. Thankfully, FitJerk's version is easier than the traditional V-up (you don't have to come up to a full balance on your tail bone!). Which isn't to say it was easy. It still sucked. (I would like to take a moment here to explain that we do not generally kit out in our weight gloves to do ab work. We just didn't have time to take them off between Lindsey's Killer Barf Circuits - now with less time and more puke! - and the abs because I only had an hour to workout this a.m. You may resume caring about other things now.)
The other great thing about FitJerk's ab workout is that it inspired him to make me his new muse (Okay so he may not have officially said that but I know he was thinking it.) as he was so impressed by what an awesome exercise community we all have here at The Great Fitness Experiment that he wrote a post about the importance of having workout buddies! Yeah, yeah he doesn't mention me by name but a good muse doesn't need to be directly invoked to inspire;) You're welcome FitJerk!
In the spirit of community (and also because kick boxing in hula gear is AWESOME and HILARIOUS), here are a few pics of Turbo Jennie's turbo crew after our Island Days workout:

We had 83 peeps kicking and punching in that little studio! Turbo Jennie said we set a Y record! (And yes, Becky there in the front did the whole class in a wet suit!)
So, how did the ab workout go for you guys? Will I be weeping tomorrow??
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