Do you know people who set their watches or clocks five minutes ahead to keep them from being late? I always thought it was silly, because, didn't they know it was set ahead and so, didn't they just factor in that they had another five minutes anyway?
But then I finally got it. Not all the clocks they have access to are set ahead, and sometimes, when they're wrapped up in their activities, they might forget that they're looking at the clock that's adjusted. And even if they knew that clock was set ahead, at least it got them thinking about the fact that they were pushing the limits, and, hey, five minutes is not that long anyway so I better get a move on!
It's the same with eating off smaller plates and bowls. It really does make you more conscious of how much you eat at a sitting. And once you start monitoring it more closely, you eat to satisfy your hunger, rather than clubbing it to death with a truckload of food.
I eat from bowls that look like softballs cut in half, and normally from saucers, rather than dinner plates. And when I eat on the run, it usually fits in a baggie. That helps me get my daily calorie requirements (about 2500 - 3000) in small quantities spread very evenly over the day. I almost never get very hungry or very full. It's all very steady and my blood sugar feels rock solid throughout the day.
Give it a try - you might be surprised what a big difference a small dish can make.
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