Get Rid Of Fake Food & Go For Fiber!
* “Cut out all refined grains and highly processed foods like crackers, white breads and baked goods. They’re generally filled with empty calories and offer little nutritional benefit. In the form of food, aim for 20-25 grams per day of fiber. Fiber = fullness, a real aide in weight loss. Look for whole grains, legumes (beans, lentils, peas), vegetables and fruits. For breads, get sprouted wheat, whole wheat or seeded rye; for pasta 100% whole grain; for rice – wild rice or brown rice; for dessert try 1 ounce squares of dark chocolate (at least 60%) which contain healthful flavonoids and other compounds beneficial for your heart.”
Eat Often!
* “Everyone, regardless of weight or health goal, should be eating every three hours. It’s better for digestion, metabolism and energy, to say nothing of mood and your body’s efficiency. Don’t try to starve yourself into weight loss. It doesn’t work. You have to eat to lose.”
Work Out!
* “Strength training is fundamental to any successful weight loss/muscle building management program. Emphasize burning fat and building muscle and you’ll look better, feel better and be stronger. Additionally,for woman Some critical things to remember:
Don’t forsake strength training for endless cardio – it doesn’t work! You have to convert your body into a fat-burning machine, and that happens with strength training, not hours and hours of cardio. The longer your cardio training goes your body begins to burn your most prized fat burning tool you own, MUSCLE. If you’re taking more than an hour to do your workout, it’s probably not efficient.
* “Don’t forget to start getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Insufficient sleep can affect weight loss efforts.”
Stay Hydrated!
* “Drink at least 8 (8 oz) glasses of water daily. Water is critically important for metabolic processes, and dehydration affects your energy, mood, skin and demeanor.”
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