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I saw a commercial last night for the Coast Guard that blew my mind, and I'd love your opinion on it/other people's opinions on it. Basically, the premise of the commercial is that this girl wasn't born to sit at a desk, she was born to push herself, challenge herself, be a stronger person, etc. They show her running out of the office and cross country - through town, across fields and bridges and woods and finally across rocks until she stops just at the water. The whole idea is she is so strong, etc. Except the girl they use in the commercial, running long-distance and protecting her country, makes a lot of the celebutantes you see constantly accused of being anorexic look healthy. Honestly, one of the first things that popped into my head was the scene from the "THIN" documentary where one of the girls (in an eating disorder IP center) says she joined the Air Force to lose weight. The funny thing is they did the EXACT same commercial with a guy, and he looks fit. Not too big or too small, plenty muscular. (And I mean it's the same commercial - same dialogue, same running out of the office and same running trail.) I still can't quite wrap my head around the irony of a size -2 skeleton advertising hey-let's-join-the-coast-guard-and-be-physically-fit, especially while the guy version IS fit. Are they trying to appeal more to girls - trying to promote it as a way to lose weight if you join, like the girl in the documentary? Are they just buying into the "ideal" body? Could they just not find any healthy-weight models? I'm not sure what I think about it, but I'd love some other opinions.
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