Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fitness Checklist (1-10)

I like lists. They clarify and reduce waste (time and energy). This one can also reduce your waist. Take a look and see what you're doing from the list below, and what you're not. The missing items could be your bridge to success:

1. Drink enough water to keep your urine pale to clear.
2. Get in up to five hours of cardio each week (lower intensity) or at least 90 minutes at very high intensity.
3. Strength train with large, full body compound (moving at more than one joint at a time) movements, whenever possible, 2-3 times a week.
4. Challenge yourself so that when you finish a workout, you couldn't repeat it.
5. Eat more veggies than any other single food group.
6. Get .5 - .75 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight each day.
7. Spread that protein as evenly as possible across the waking day.
8. Get 6.5 - 8 hours a sleep each night.
9. Make sure your calories are as rich as possible in protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
10. Be honest with yourself about how you live and what you expect your body to look, feel and perform like as a result.

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