The choices you are making create your reality, either consciously or unconsciously. You are manifesting your potential right now which means you are also choosing your state of health. Free will and the ability to make choices for health and well-being is the ultimate privilege and freedom.
Lifestyle is a result of your beliefs. These beliefs reflect your priorities, habits, conditions and particular perception of self. Lifestyle can either bring you into alignment or detract from the potential inherent in your life’s purpose. If your body begins to feel chronically fatigued, stressed, shows symptoms of breaking down and aging then your lifestyle is NOT in accordance with your true purpose. Seven critical principles of conscious lifestyle are: thoughts, managing stress, breath, diet/hydration, sleep, right exercise and creating a non-toxic environment. Through our comprehensive, practical and personalized program, we will explore the relationship of these factors in your own life and address appropriate changes to maximize your vitality. We will work together as a team to establish a framework for helping you make honest, informed and conscious choices in your daily life.
Nutrition is the fuel of life for each experience. The intake of energy improves your overall wellbeing or it decreases it. Our coaching program takes a holistic overview of your lifestyle and diet to address imbalance and maximize your wellness potential by creating an individualized eating program.
This system is NOT a temporary fix! This is a lifestyle change to rebalance your body for a lifetime of feeling great! Most nutritional diets are generic fads created with one-size-fits-all techniques which do not examine the unique needs of each individual’s genetic and biochemical make-up. Our protocols are based on the scientific research known as Metabolic Typing.
The principles of metabolic typing apply this idea to the functioning of the physical body. Each individual has a unique biochemical make-up based on two factors: genetic inheritance and the accumulative effects of nutrition. Every cell in your body has its own unique vibration. Therefore, the daily needs and demands of the body are completely unique from individual to individual. This also means that nutrients (the fuel you are putting in) have different effects on different bodies. Nutrition either maximizes or minimizes your genetic DNA’s potential and possible evolution. The body is not a linear system and it is important to understand that the body functions as an energetic field. You cannot change/influence one part of the body, without effecting the whole.
The energetic field of the body is like a spider web: once a vibration is set in motion, the vibration affects the other side. As a culture, we are inundated with advertising that attempts to trick us into seeing it otherwise by exaggerating the success of the latest diet technique, the newest pharmaceutical fix -it pill or the latest exercise fad to isolate trouble spots. The assumption that the body works in this way is a deception. These generic systems make money on keeping you from the truth and knowing that your lack of knowledge will keep you buying these products while making you sick and diseased.
The sad truth is that generic systems are limited, detrimental and lethal to your health.
What symptoms can be helped by a Holistic Nutritional Program?
The human body does not work in a linear way. It is a multidimensional system based on a collection of variables unique to each individual. Illness occurs as a dramatic wake-up call from your body. Often enough, most folks who become ill have been running on empty, ignoring the responsibility of proper care for the body and thus, gets run down by all of the imbalances in their system. Not so suddenly, they experience symptoms that cause them discomfort and pain and which they now want the magic doctor or pill to fix. Only when our bodies send more dramatic signals, do we seem to finally listen. Holistic nutrition is about teaching you how to take care of your body’s fundamental homeostasis before there is a health crisis. We treat the whole person and the underlying causes of imbalance, not just symptoms. However, by working with this protocol, you will re-establish your health’s foundation and re-address, symptomatic issues you may be experiencing. Some side effects of right nutrition may be renewed vigour, increase in energy, weight balance, improved mood and the ability to free yourself from a stressed life and transform it into one that is a true expression of your divine potential. Remember: we specialize in Total Wellness!
Clients cite improvement with the following conditions: Allergies, asthma, headache, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, food sensitivity/intolerance, digestive health (heartburn, bloating, gas, indigestion), anxiety, stress, depression, high blood pressure, low sex drive, hormonal imbalance, p.m.s, skin rashes, yeast and fungal infections, mood fluctuations, depression, ADHD, immune system disorders, insomnia, organ problems, menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, sinusitis, nervous system imbalances, cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis and inflammation.
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