Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday Fun: The New Body Image Woe Plaguing Young Girls

Bratz Dolls May Give Young Girls Unrealistic Expectations Of Head Size

Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. That's why The Onion was invented, folks. (Anyone else not know they'd branched out into film?) And if that did not amuse you, then perhaps this will:

Someone (who I can't be bothered to look up because it's Friday and I'm lazy) invented the "Light Girl" - a toilet seat aimed at women that will weigh you before and after you go. You all know I've done this, albeit without the fancy scale. So if anyone is looking to buy me a reeeealllly late Christmas gift, nothing says love like a gadget that weighs your excrement.

And lastly, what weekend is complete without a new Sarah Haskins Target Women video?? Have an entertaining weekend!

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