Sure we can all laugh about those hokey Slim Fast ads from our youth but every year a new diet or diet product comes out with advertising that is guaranteed to make you giggle. Or throw something. While TokaiAngel highlighted
a new one from Nestle, here are some of my favorite oldies. For more bonus Friday fun, Loey suggested that everyone in their comment tell us why they picked their username. I'll go first: I use Charlotte because... it's my first name. I'm really original, I know.

Hey, who isn't happy when they eat lard?!?

I like my tapeworms sanitized and jar-packed. You?

Because everyone knows you're better off dead than fat. Duh.

I'm pretty sure this is the same Kellogg of breakfast cereal fame. What would the low-carbers think of this diet?

I think this sums up the Hollywood diet pretty well. Do you think they had to tell the models how to act strung out or did they know how to do it all on their own? (10 points to Leslie for spotting the nip-slip first!)

Every woman does have a problem when their "figure" can't breathe because of a steel-boned corset.

See, this is what happens when the style in women's fashion is below-the-knee dresses. Instead of worrying about muffin top, you're paranoid about thick ankles. We can't win.

This one isn't vintage (yet) - you can actually buy it at
Sephora right this very second!! Although I find this every bit as laughable as a box of cereal as a weight-loss panacea.

While they're not touted as a diet aid, I'm pretty sure I'd lose weight (or the kids) with "mother's little helper" pills!

Nothing says love like cancer. Although I hear you do lose a lot of weight.
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