Friday, August 15, 2008

Are You REALLY Doing What You Think You're Doing?

Over the next few posts, I'll address five things you may think you're doing to lose body fat or to get into better shape, but you are probably not (or at least not as consistently or effectively as you think you are):

1. Eating fewer calories

Just because you get hungry during the day doesn't mean you're consuming fewer calories overall. It might just be that you are eating inconsistently, loading up on both volume and calorie density at certain meals, eating too light at others and/or waiting too long between them. Try to eat just enough to satisfy your hunger for a couple of hours and then eat a small amount when you start to get just a little hungry. Keep healthy food handy and spread the protein, fat and fiber out as evenly as possible through the day to help keep your blood sugar stable. I keep a protein bar, roasted soy nuts or jerky in my car if I'm away from home, along with fresh veggies, V8 or an apple. They all travel well and keep me out of trouble when my stomach is ready for more but I can't get to a meal.

Remember that your total calories for the day is another important number and tapering intake in the last third makes it much easier to lose weight. Try eating a piece of fruit and a cheese stick (or a small handful of nuts) between 3 and 5pm and that should make it easier to eat a very light dinner of mostly veggies and a little lean protein. Keeping whole grains earlier in the day is a great way to avoid over consuming at night.


By now, most everyone has heard of Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture". If you haven't read the book or seen it on, ABC did a great show on him that included intimate moments and thoughts from friends and his wife that neither the book nor the lecture itself included. So whether or not you experienced the first two, watching this is worthwhile:

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