Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #8: Eat a Breakfast with Protein, Produce and Whole Grain

The basic combination of these three items at your first meal (ideally within an hour of waking up, unless you work out first, and then within a half hour or so of the end of your workout) is the perfect way to start a day that will more effectively manage:

1. Blood sugar levels
2. Evenly disbursed nutrient intake
3. Drastically reduced cravings and impulse eating

And it's a great trend to continue with at lunch and even dinner (although regular readers know that for those trying hard to lose body fat, I advocate minimizing grain intake later in the day, or even discontinuing grain intake after 4pm in order to focus on veggies and lean protein sources in the last third of the waking day.) And if you haven't yet picked up on the unspoken rule, let me remind you of the importance of NUtrient-DEnsity (eating NU~DE) at every meal or snack. Just a reminder that the definition is the highest possible concentration of vitamins, minerals, protein grams and fiber for a given calorie total. So, with that stipulation, this would NOT include breakfasts like bacon, whole eggs, buttered white toast and orange juice. That could come in at around 1,000 calories and 40+ grams of fat.

A good example would be my spinach scramble wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla.

Other ideas are:

Oatmeal (cooked in nonfat milk) with berries

Low fat Greek yogurt with honey topped with granola and trail mix and a V8 juice

Whole wheat pancakes with a side of cottage cheese and peaches

Try some of these breakfast ideas and notice the difference it makes to your eating habits all day long.

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