Thursday, April 10, 2008

Best Cardio Exercises

There are a few different ways you could answer this question. And certainly my opinion would not necessarily be shared by all fitness authorities. That said, I think few would argue with the rationale behind my choices. But first let me define best, as I see it:

1. Exercises you'll actually do

2. Exercises you enjoy or at least don't hate

3. Exercises that accomplish the goals of increasing your endurance and burning calories efficiently and effectively.

I'm going to focus on #3, because, as a trainer, I know that #1 and 2 can be influenced by how effective the exercise is. And I'm always looking for the most efficient use of the hour I spend with each client.

On that basis, here are some of my favorites:

Swimming or pool drills

Bike with arms sweeps (snow angels, scissoring movements, push-pull movements, etc.)

Elliptical trainer with arm extensions

Rowing machine

Rope skipping

Roller blading

Boxing training (shadow boxing, bag work, mitt drills)

The reason I like these is that they all, to some degree:

1. Are fairly low impact (rope skipping is the worst of the bunch but still with less impact than running)

2. Are steady-state cadence activities (rather than stop-start) with reduces joint load

3. Recruit arms and legs simultaneously

This way the heart and lungs create the training boundary, not the joints or even the muscles.

And if you're trying to burn calories and raise your longer-term capacity to burn calories, that's exactly what you want.

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