Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two Questions

How do you find that critical connection between what you want and what you should do? Even if you have clarity about what you want for yourself, it's often hard to find the sense of certainty that the path you are pursuing is the right one.

I believe, deep in my heart, that consciousness or "present moment awareness" is key to finding not only clarity and certainty, but also a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment. Any area of life is enhanced with your full attention and emotional energy committed to it. Dwelling on mistakes of the past or fretting about what might go wrong in the future seem to me to be tempting preoccupations, but they definitely take away from the quality of your participation "right now". Consciousness is the open door back to where you need to be (here, now). And that, I believe, can be applied to any area of your life.

While I feel I have understood and successfully practiced the principles of taking care of your body for years, gaining that sense of clarity and certainty is something I've struggled with in other areas of my life. Specifically, I've had my challenges in the area of personal relationships. And more specifically, romantic relationships. In fact, I've been told that I could apply the ideas of "presence" and "being in the moment" more effectively in this area by more than one important person in my life over the years.

I wrestled with whether to admit this here to virtually anyone who may be reading this. But then I saw the parallel with those of you who may be feeling the same emotional magnitude (or perhaps even greater) about your weight, your physical fitness and your sense of self esteem as it's all connected. The two characteristics I want this blog to embody, always, are sincerity and a willingness to do what I have in my power to try to help.

Recently I read something that was on my mind this morning when I woke up. It's about two questions you should ask yourself before taking an action in a situation about which you have some uncertainty:

1. "What is this for?", and

2. "What do I want to come of this?"

Try asking yourself (or God, or the universe), or just raising the questions deliberately and leave it "hanging" out there - but don't actively look for an answer. Try to let it come of it's own accord. Be patient and have faith. Then get on with your day.

Pose these questions at various points during the day today, if you feel comfortable with the idea. I will too. Share your experiences with me either as comments on the blog or privately at

I wish you clarity and certainty today.

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