As I mentioned in an earlier post, there's nutrition theory (what most people have some idea about but don't necessarily practice) and then there's the practical solution (measures you'll actually take that will provide the nutrition you need.) One of the tricky areas for some people is how to get enough protein.
There's a range that's recommended by various authoritative sources but I'm going to save you the trouble and tell you that as long as you include lean protein source as a significant percentage of each meal (and at least one snack if you have two or more a day), you should be in good shape.
Some foods are more concentrated and lean sources of protein so one portion can get you nearly halfway (or more) toward your daily requirement. I'm about 5'9", 153 pounds and 10% body fat, and I strength train twice weekly. I shoot for 80 - 100 grams of protein daily and don't usually go too far over that. Rarely do I get less than about 60g.
Here are my favorite sources, starting with the most lean and protein-rich:
Source..............Approx Pro g/ cup or fist sized-serving
Fish........................................... 50+
Lean beef or buffalo burgers (Trader Joe's).....50+
Boneless, skinless chicken breast...............40+
Low fat cottage cheese..........................28
2% fat Greek yogurt.............................16
Eggs (3 whites-to-1 yolk).......................14
Non fat milk....................................10
There are lots of others, of course, but these are the fixtures on my shopping list because of convenience and taste preferences. Plus, most of these foods are pretty versatile as well. When I go out, I try to get stir fries, salads with meat, chicken soup or chili. Sushi is another frequent choice when I eat out.
If you build your food plan around first veggies (last week I talked about the merits of frozen veggies but I also eat fresh, which I'll cover in more detail in a future post), and then lean protein, more than half your intake should be covered.
Watch the blog and I'll give you ideas for choosing the best ways to get your whole grains and fruit as well.
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